
How Esther Coco Berg is Changing the Narrative of the Instagram Influencer

Esther Coco Berg

These days, when logging onto social media accounts, users are inundated with influencer tutorials and how-to videos for everything from cooking to life hacks, makeup tutorials, and more. While these videos are satisfying and sometimes mesmerizing to watch, it’s rare that we see influencers addressing their followers about real life issues. As much of social media revolves around perfecting a carefully curated image that we like to broadcast to the world, this image is often just a façade that isn’t real life at all. But one rising influencer takes on the archetype of the social media influencer and strives to redefine it with her own rules. On the outside, Miami-based influencer Esther Coco Berg is known for a luxurious lifestyle. But when examining her content and how she engages with her followers, Esther’s social media presence focuses largely on remaining transparent as she shares her life experiences whether they are good or bad.

After sharing the journey to healing for her two young sons who grappled with severe cases of eczema, Esther noticed a significant increase in her following. Having done extensive research and going through numerous solutions, Esther managed to find a cure for her sons’ conditions. The young mom found herself with countless direct messages from people, including mothers and those dealing with eczema, inquiring about advice and counsel on how to deal with the condition. Esther relished the opportunity to share her advice and experience with her followers and while it has been two years since her sons have dealt with eczema, she still receives messages from followers seeking eczema advice.

But the thriving mother of four isn’t just known for her advice on her sons’ skin condition. In fact, what has made Esther so relatable to her followers are the experiences she has been confronted with over the course of her life. After going through a divorce and coming out as a single mother of two, Esther found love again despite the disadvantages that society might have said she had. She has since gone on to marry again and have another two healthy children, despite being pregnant at 40 years old. Her life as a wife and mother does not depict that of June Cleaver’s, but rather a genuine, tangible and relatable life for real women to identify with. In sharing her experiences as a wife, mother and a woman, Esther’s following continues to grow as she has found an audience that not only engages with, but relates to her content as well.

To learn more about Esther Coco Berg, follow her on Instagram.

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