
Your Guide to a Few Trends That Are Here to Stick Around

Trends Here to Stay

Trends come and go so quickly that it can be hard to keep up, but some trends are here to stay and will remain popular in 2023 and beyond. We’ve put together a list of some top trends with staying power so you can stay up to speed all year! Let’s get started.


Chances are you’ve heard of Bitcoin. Initially introduced to the public in 2009, it was the first cryptocurrency and is still the most well-known among them. Think of it like a virtual currency that takes banks, credit card companies, and other third parties out of the picture in your transactions.

If not from a financial institution, where does a bitcoin come from? That’s where your opportunity in 2023 lies! You can become a bitcoin miner with Gryphon Digital Mining and contribute your computer power to their network of miners. By being part of the blockchain process that records and verifies transactions, you can earn bitcoins and experience their purchasing power yourself, all while being carbon neutral.

AI Writing

AI Writing

It seems like artificial intelligence is constantly in the news these days. But what is it? Simply put, it’s like a computer program for sorting information, except that it is able to examine, reassemble, and make guesses from that information in ways that humans may struggle to do.

If you’re a lover of words, AI can be a valuable tool in your creative arsenal. A random word generator like The Word Counter can help you quickly brainstorm new ideas for products, brands, events, creative writing, or nearly anything else you can imagine. Give it a try today to come up with ideas faster and more quickly than ever.

Eye-catching Apparel

Being able to turn heads with your choice of clothes is something that never goes out of style. Nothing beats a t-shirt If you’re going for the truly casual look but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Into the AM has excellent men’s graphic tees; they’re your one-stop shop for bright, trippy, unique apparel. A wide selection for every taste, a money-back guarantee, hassle-free returns, and eco-friendly practices should make this your first stop.

Getting “The GOAT”

The English language is a worldwide mishmash of other languages all rolled together and breaking every rule there is. It should be no surprise that it gets updated continually as new language trends hit the mainstream, especially as fast as trends go viral today. Merriam-Webster adds new entries every year, and the American Dialect Society convenes annually to choose Word of the Year and subcategories such as “Political Word of the Year,” “WTF Word of the Year,” and many others. If you appreciate the English language and all its weirdness, you’ll enjoy reading about the curious origins and meaning of “G.O.A.T” over at Rock the Bells.

Hammering It In

Getting into better shape is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions; it’s also one of the most difficult to live up to. If physical fitness is your thing going into 2023, you owe it to yourself to revisit bicep curls. After all, who doesn’t want to have impressively large biceps? Just a small tweak will help you level up your curl game, and BarBend can show you how to do it with hammer curls.


In the Clear

In the Clear

Given a choice, everyone would choose to have clear skin. The good news is that getting a clear complexion doesn’t have to be complex. Conventional wisdom for getting clear skin is a varying combination of washing your face, moisturizing, avoiding sugar, exfoliating, getting enough sleep, and many other intensive suggestions. With the right formulation of vitamins, you can skip the rough stuff and go straight to a better complexion in just weeks. JSHealth has vitamins for clear skin that are vegan and both gluten and GMO-free with a list of positive reviews as long as your arm.

A Breath of Fresh Air

Over the last few years, we’ve all become a bit more concerned about the quality of the air we breathe. Indoor air quality has never gone out of style, and will only become more important as the circumstances change around us. Microscopic allergens, wildfire smoke, pollen, pet dander, and other invisible bits circulate in our homes continually, aggravating breathing and causing unnecessary discomfort. Honeywell’s air purifier can make all the difference in maintaining indoor air quality and comfortable living.

Take a Seat

If you’re among the majority of people who spend a lot of time sitting down for work or leisure, you already know that it can have unintended consequences. Poor posture, slouching, back pain, and even joint degeneration can occur, especially if you’re older or already have health problems. Everlasting Comfort offers a premium memory foam cushion with ergonomic support that can take the sting out of long periods of sitting.

On Trend

On Trend

Whether you’re keeping up with financial trends or fashion, health or fitness, or even just geeking out about languages, these trends are the ones to keep an eye on in 2023 and beyond!


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