
How APM Monaco is Showing American Consumers the Allure of the French Riviera

APM Monaco

There are a plethora of new jewelry brands on the market today, all trying to win over the loyalty of the young American consumer. However, young Millennial and Gen Z consumers are proving to be smarter and more selective than maybe any other generation when it comes to which brands they choose to support.

Today, companies must prove that they possess more than just a good, quality product to build their brand. Millennials make up the largest demographic age group in North America, and they will continue to dominate for years to come. According to BDC, this younger generation of consumers is looking to understand the product as well as the brand story, and they want brands to be transparent. They also want brands to be reachable via every channel and platform, and they enjoy feeling part of a community in the brands they choose to support.

APM MonacoCollection Yummy, APM Monaco

For APM Monaco, a French jewelry brand, all of these elements have come naturally over the past 40 years. In 1982, Ariane Prette founded the company that is now run by her son, Philippe Prette, and his wife, Kika. APM Monaco embodies all that is chic and elegant about the French Riviera, and the brand also successfully encapsulates the style, trends, and art of the world as a whole. This is the perfect recipe for any modern-day brand to capture the hearts of Millennials and Gen Z.

APM MonacoNew styles are being introduced to the iconic Collection Meteorites. To be released in October 2022

From earrings, ear cuffs and studs to necklaces, rings and bracelets, APM Monaco has a diverse range of products that appeal to nearly any demographic. The brand has mastered its marketing strategy, both in person and on the internet. APM has more than 400 brick-and-mortar store locations across the world, from Monaco all the way to New York City’s iconic SoHo neighborhood.

APM has long been a beloved jewelry brand for European and Asian consumers, but more recently, the brand has expanded its reach into the Western Hemisphere. The jewelry retailer entered the North American market in 2017, and since then, the brand’s repeat customer rate in the U.S. and Canada has reached an impressive 45 percent.

In addition to the store locations in New York, APM Monaco has also expanded to California and Florida, with plans to reach more cities soon. These unisex jewelry collections are featured in the beautiful storefronts, and each location is focused on cultivating a luxurious experience and providing exceptional customer service.

APM MonacoLatin Singer Maluma wearing unisex designs of APM

APM Monaco has built a strong reputation online with many brand ambassador relationships and successful social media activations. French model and social media star Thylane Blondeau has fronted campaigns for the brand as well as promoted it on Instagram. The brand has also been featured on the highly admired Netflix show, “Emily in Paris.”

APM MonacoLily Collins wearing Collection Meteorites in Emily in Paris

To learn more about the brand and explore the American store locations, please visit APM Monaco’s website.

Article by Darby Jones

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